Energy saving with concrete recycling
It has been proven by various researchers that recycling materials, such as concrete recycling in Sacramento do save energy, which arguably, are of primary importance in relation to the environmental benefits of a recycling process! The use of energy requires at the same time the utilization of increasingly scarce fossil fuels. It also involves the emission of a huge variety of air and water pollutants. The ever increasing problem of supplying efficient and cost effective materials to an industry is primarily threefold; involving the collection, processing and transportation of the materials.
By the use of recycled materials; such as, concrete recycling in Sacramento, there is less energy used than with the procedures in supplying virgin materials, which include extraction, refinement, transportation and processing. An example of this is that 95% less energy is expended on recycling aluminum than needed to produce it from raw materials. Adding to this are energy savings in recycled steel of 60%, newspaper 40%, plastic 70%, and recycled glass 40%. All of which provides reasons for adopting the environmental advantages demonstrated by concrete recycling in Sacramento!
Natural resources worldwide have become critical issues; whether related to the Amazon rain forests or the oceans and much more. It is, therefore, generally considered imperative that recycling, like concrete recycling in Sacramento, is seen as an important strategy in the conservation of scarce natural resources, globally.
The process of recycling, such as that used in concrete recycling in Sacramento influences the reduction of landfills and other disposal facilities. This allows for the utilization of land in more environmentally-friendly ways. By the substitution of scrap materials; for example, trees, metal ores, oil, and minerals, among other virgin materials, the recycling process, such as that in concrete recycling in Sacramento, will motivate positive environmental changes for our future generations!