Material Trucking | Asphalt, Concrete Topsoil, Rock| Sacramento
For decades, GR Trucking has provided free concrete recycling and disposal to the Rancho Cordova and Northern California region. By doing so, GR trucking has become the premier service provider for free concrete disposal and recycling in the Rancho Cordova area. We encourage anyone with concrete debris looking for removal and recycling services to reach out to one of our experienced and professional staff members so that we can coordinate details and discuss the specifics of your project to get the job scheduled and completed at your earliest convenience.
GR Trucking has been opened since the 1950’s and serving the Northern California community ever since. Although we started in the San Francisco bay area, we are a provider of debris and aggregate trucking as well as a free concrete and asphalt recycling facility in Rancho Cordova. Our team takes our job seriously and the way we treat our debris and aggregate trucking operations leads the competition.
In addition to the convenience associated with free concrete recycling in Rancho Cordova, we have the ability to recycle or dispose of concrete throughout Sacramento County and Northern California. GR Trucking recycles the concrete and asphalt debris and repurpose the waste to be used in roads, gravel, concrete mix.
GR Trucking has the ability to provide mobile crushing of both concrete and natural stone, not just at our facility but to your project or demolition site.
If you are in need of gravel or aggregates for your weekend project or your new development GR Trucking supplies a whole host of aggregates from either our Bradshaw or White Rock facility. If you are a do-it-yourself’er come and talk to us about the products and services we offer. Let us help you plan to ensure you are getting the materials and services you need.
Crete Crush Bradshaw
5244 Bradshaw rd.
Sacramento, CA
Concrete Recycling, Concrete Disposal, Material Trucking, Topsoil, Drain Rock, Asphalt Grindings, Engineered Fill
Crete Crush White Rock
12584 White Rock Rd.
Rancho Cordova, CA
Concrete Recycling, Concrete Disposal, Material Trucking, Aggregate Trucking, Asphalt Grindings, Engineered Fill, Levee Fill, 50/50 Mix, Bio-Swale, DG, Decomposed Granite, Landscaping Blends, Planters Mix, Sand+