Environmentally friendly development
Recycled concrete aggregate contributes to environmentally friendly development
As the demand for high graded aggregate in concrete related construction projects increases, particularly roads development, so do the distances involved in its obtainability and transportation. This further impacts on the environment and economic realities associated with the longer haulage distances, which to a significant extent are nullified by the utilization of concrete recycling Sacramento!
The benefits associated with recycling concrete are wide and varied, both environmentally, economically and production wise, when compared to dumping waste concrete in landfills:
The available markets for concrete recycling Sacramento are versatile, with the recycled aggregates having a content of not only the original aggregates but in addition, hydrated cement paste. It is an ingredient that in effect reduces the specific gravity and increases a porosity that is comparable to similar traditional aggregates, with this increased porosity of RCA inducing the effect of a higher absorption level
New concrete with an RCA content is capable of being transported, set and compacted in the same form as conventional concrete. Various reports indicate that recycled concrete boasts a lighter per unit of volume, which provides for less weight per cubic yard, resulting in cost-effectiveness and savings related to materials, hauling and in respect of the overall project.
The solid waste stream is contributed to by construction and demolition (C&D) waste, amounting to approximately 25% of total solid waste nationally, with the largest contributing factor of C&D material being concrete. Awareness of the dangers confronting our planet is an integral influence in the concrete recycling Sacramento process. With pressure regarding landfills continuing to gain even greater momentum, the management of waste materials, especially concrete, is an area of national concern.
Environmentally friendly development