How Recycling helps the Environment
The majority of people are aware of the benefits related to recycling and how it helps to protect their environment. In many cases, they regularly contribute by sorting their waste materials into different disposal bags or containers for collection and disposal. However, there are is some recycling sources that have only received attention and become popular in the last few years; for example, recycling concrete!
It is fast becoming realized by businesses and individuals, the ease and convenience with which concrete can be recycled and the many and varied benefits gained from it. It is also well known that concrete is made from cement and is an important material in the construction of foundations, houses and various other structures.
On a structure being demolished or extensively renovated, the concrete can be removed by trucks to a recycling plan, specializing in the recycling of concrete; This plant has the capacity to crush the concrete for it to be reused in future construction. Alternatively, portable machinery is located on the actual site, with the recycling and separation process being completed onsite; The benefits of recycling concrete are many and varied for businesses and individuals when compared to dumping the material in a concrete disposal unit.
In the first instance, recycling concrete is an environmental-friendly process. Although an element of pollution is generated during the crushing process in recycling concrete; it is negligible when compared to the pollution created by trucks transporting concrete to and returning from a quarry.
A further issue related to protecting the environment is the fact crushed concrete can be utilized in place of granite. The mining of this material not only creates but is also a significant influence in water pollution. It is estimated that for every ton of recycled concrete; 1,360 gallons of water that would have been used in the mining of granite, is saved! Further information at:
How Recycling helps the Environment